宁静的夜晚,快乐的恶流浪汉——黑猫巴奇(Butch)正雄赳赳气昂昂地从垃圾堆中捡走过,他推着一辆破婴儿车,俨然超市的购物车。每走过一个垃圾桶,巴奇都要翻腾一遍寻找残羹冷炙。这时,他的目光被大房子门前的牛奶所吸引。他悄悄走过去,可是早已被汤姆捷足先登拿进了屋里。巴奇又想偷放在窗台的烤肉,结果又被汤姆无意间夹到双手。愤怒的巴奇铤而走险,将自己打扮成嗷嗷待哺的婴儿。 听到敲门声的汤姆走出来看到巴奇,果然将其带到屋里并打来热乎乎的牛奶。可是贪婪的巴奇并不单单满足一口牛奶,他只要趁汤姆不注意就钻进冰箱寻找食物,在这一过程中,巴奇、汤姆以及小老鼠杰瑞共同引发了一连串的混乱…… An alley cat is foraging for food when he sees Tom's house and decides it's a rich haul. He dresses as a foundling baby and lands on the doorstep. Tom takes him in and Butch proceeds to raid the fridge between Tom's babying him. What he doesn't know is that Jerry's going to grab the ham Butch swiped every chance he gets.