星辰:序曲Starspawn: Overture(2020)

主演:Charlie Dineen Lara Flynn Sarah Speller 弗农·威尔斯 Meganne West 

导演:Travis Bain / 



最近丧偶的农民兰道夫·萨顿在他偏远的内陆地区看到奇怪的移动灯。 一天晚上,伦道夫从朋友的生日聚会上呼唤他17岁的女儿艾米,但是当萨顿夫妇被神秘的,隐秘的存在,有翼的动物缠扰时,例行的开车回家意外地变成了令人恐惧的亲密接触。 似乎有意提取艾米大脑的外来生物。
Recently widowed farmer Randolph Sutton (Vernon Wells) sees strange moving lights on his remote outback property. One night Randolph goes to collect his 17-year-old daughter Amy (Meganne West) from a friend's birthday party, but the routine drive home unexpectedly turns into a frightening close encounter when the Suttons are stalked by a mysterious, unearthly presence, a winged alien creature that seems intent on extracting Amy's brain.


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