星星乐韵Just Friends(1993)


主演:Josse De Pauw/Charles Berling

导演:Marc-Henri Wajnberg / 编剧:Thierry Smolderen/Pierre Sterckx



星星乐韵主演:Josse De Pauw/Charles Berling, 1959年比利时的秋天,一个在码头当搬运赚取生活的人 - 积,竟然是古典音乐发烧友,他酷爱色士风,时常梦想有一天可以到美国纽约一睹音乐大师风采,更可拜师学艺。   不过他没有钱,一切只是梦想。每天一面干活,一面吹色士风自得其乐。   平时他与他的 "好朋友" 乐队在茶餐厅演唱,一可以娱人也可以娱己。   积有一位好朋友《安祖》是一名杰出的设计家,常制造出一些古灵精怪的新产品如《大怪手》《人型电单车》等,因为设计简陋,每每出洋相,逗得他的女友露丝啼笑皆非。因为积与安祖,露丝二人来往甚密,露丝竟被积的音乐才华深深吸引,正当二人同堕爱河之际,积一真想到纽约的机会来临了,要到纽约还是与露丝一起成了积人生的重大考验………
Jack has a tenor saxophone and he plays jazz. In the 1950s, in the Belgian harbor town Antwerp, there is not a lot off future for a jazz musician. Jack and his band try to earn a living by playing at weddings and the odd tea party, usually resulting in mixed emotions and hilarious scenes. Most of the time, he earns a living by unloading bananas in the Antwerp docks. Jack is convinced that New York is the place to be for a jazz musician, but where will he get the money for the big trip? And what is more important: a woman or a saxophone?


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