雪虎任务Operation Snow Tiger(2013)


主演:Liz Bonnin/Victor Lukarevsky/Dale Miquelle

导演:Dick Sharman / 


雪虎任务主演:Liz Bonnin/Victor Lukarevsky/Dale Miquelle, 在俄罗斯远东森林的深处,一种猫科动物至今还可以自由闲逛,如果用三个词概括西伯利亚虎,那就是漂亮、强大和濒临灭绝。今天,只有数百只西伯利亚虎还幸存于野生世界,而且它们的栖息地正在迅速缩小。   在BBC的“西伯利亚虎行动”中,老虎专家Liz Bonnin与一队科学家共同在零下32℃的低温中对西伯利亚虎的栖息地进行监控,他们在树上安置了30个微型摄像机,一旦有动物经过就会自动激活,开始拍摄。这是BBC自然历史组首次制成的西伯利亚虎纪录片。   西伯利亚虎,又称东北虎,是世界上体型最大的猫科动物。西伯利亚虎曾经生活在北亚的大片区域,现在的生存范围缩小到俄罗斯西伯利亚东部、海参崴以北相对狭小的区域,同时面临着偷猎者的威胁。
The Siberian tiger is one of Earth's rarest and most elusive animals, with as few as 300 remaining. It is so rare, more scientists have been to space than have seen one in the wild. In this series, Liz Bonnin, a former tiger biologist herself, travels to the frozen forests of the Russian Far East to help a team of scientists studying these big cats. Their goal is to uncover the hidden world of these mysterious predators, determine why they are declining and what can be done to save them.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 雪虎任务.BBC - Operation Snow Tiger (2013) 1.64GB
