
主演:品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig

导演:Charles A. Nichols / 编剧:Eric Gurney



夜班主演:品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig, 夜色笼罩的海港,正停泊着一艘来自远方的货轮。船员们相约上岸寻欢作乐,而看守轮船和货物的重任就交给了忠诚的卫士——布鲁托(品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)。布鲁托忠于职守,警醒地在轮船上下巡逻。当然他也不忘假公济私,偷上一根两根的肉骨头作为安慰。这时,一只高傲的小老鼠出现在甲板上,它正四下寻觅食物,无意间惹到了布鲁托。布鲁托岂容小老鼠在自己的地盘上撒野,他咆哮着追赶着小老鼠,可使反倒让对方洗刷了一番。   之后不久,小老鼠来到餐厅大快朵颐,并且用食物诱惑布鲁托。虽然理智起了很大的作用,但布鲁托最终无法承受食物巨大的诱惑,转而臣服于小老鼠的麾下……
As a ship's crew is on shore leave, seadog Pluto is left to stand watch. He sees a threatening shape, but it turns out to be a cache of bones. He grabs one and settles in contentedly. A rat sneaks on, and Pluto springs into action. The rat toys with him, until it finds the officer's mess. He bribes Pluto, until he hears an officer approaching. The rat hides, and Pluto gets thrown in the brig, while the rat sneaks off with his sandwich. But Pluto gets even.


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