一代暴君Rise and Fall of Idi Amin(1981)


主演:伊迪·阿明·达达 Idi Amin

导演:Sharad Patel (I) / 编剧:Wade Huie



一代暴君主演:伊迪·阿明·达达 Idi Amin, 伊迪•阿敏•达达(Joseph Olita 饰),为乌干达20世纪70年代带来黑暗的恐怖独裁者。1971年率领部队发动政变,在位期间积极向外扩张,大举入侵坦桑尼亚,与以色列交恶;在国内则实行高压统治,残酷镇压异己,并大肆排斥亚裔乌干达人。他将叛乱分子杀害后投入尼罗河中,与其有直接联系的死者人数累计达15万人;生活上阿敏极端淫乱,无论国际还是种族,一旦看上千方百计也有弄到手。   1977年他发动入侵坦桑尼亚的战争,这也令他的统治逐渐走向尽头……
This biographical movie begins with a short blurb about Uganda, followed by the joyous scenes surrounding Amin's military takeover from Milton Obote. He goes about arresting and torturing the rebels. In his freezer he keeps the heads of his rivals and says: "It is a Kaqwa way. I talk to them". Amin then goes about having Asians expelled from Uganda saying: "Uganda is for Ugandas. There will be no more Shahs and Patels. Let them swim back." After the infamous 1976 Entebbe hostage situation where Israeli commandos make a daring rescue of their citizens who were taken into Uganda on a hijacked plane, Amin has Dora Bloch (the only hostage the Israelis couldn't liberate) killed. Amin then goes on to believing he is the 'Hitler of Africa' and promises that he will actually erect a statue in honour of his namesake "in the middle of Kampala". Amin becomes a rather childish and sick psychopath who mixes voodoo, rape, torture, and dancing. He says things like: "I am the best lover of Africa", "...


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