
又名:Genghis Khan

主演:艾丽娅 Liya Ai/涂们 Tumen/巴森 Ba Sen

导演:塞夫 / 麦丽丝 / 编剧:冉平 Ping Ran



一代天骄成吉思汗主演:艾丽娅 Liya Ai/涂们 Tumen/巴森 Ba Sen, 公元12世纪,广袤辽阔的蒙古大草原,由于群龙无首,不同部落之间征伐兼并,屠戮仇杀,将原本的宁静祥和击得粉碎。是时,蒙古人依然保持着抢亲习俗,他们相信婚姻成就的越快,生下的孩子便越勇猛。在一个飘雪的寒冷日子里,乞颜部可汗也速该半路上抢走了蔑尔乞部的新娘诃额伦,而他们便成为了日后草原上的雄鹰——铁木真的父母。部落间的仇杀纷争没有穷尽,铁木真就在血雨腥风之中降生人间。曾经雄霸一方也速该也无法避免死于他人之手的厄运,而他的部落更遭遇了前所未有的灭顶之灾。忍辱负重的铁木真最终夺回乞颜部落可汗之位,并娶到孛尔贴为妻。可是当年被也速该羞辱的蔑尔乞人以牙还牙,抢走了孛尔贴。   动荡的修罗场,一代霸主的传奇拉开序幕……
About 850 years ago a man was born to change history in a way like nobody else before or after him. He was the most successful and feared commander of all times, he created to biggest empire on a single landmass and covered the know world with war. Genghis Khan - A name that spread fear and terror. Genghis Khan, ruthless leader of the Mongols and sovereign over the vastest empire ever ruled by a single man, was both god and devil - not just in the Middle Ages, but for centuries to come.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 一代天骄成吉思汗
2019-05-11 一代天骄成吉思汗
2019-05-11 Genghis Khan (1998)MANDARIN-XviDAC3en_sub-CasTaN.avi
2019-05-11 Genghis Khan.(DVDRip.Divx.AC3.DUAL)
2019-05-10 Genghis.Khan.1998.DVDRiP.AC3.XviD-WRD
