

主演:Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson

导演:布朗科·比利·安德森 / 



一无是处主演:Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson,
Gilbert Sterling had never wanted for anything. He had been given plenty of money to do with as he pleased, and it was perhaps the fault of his parents that he became worthless, good-for-nothing. The firm of John Sterling and Sons bad been organized by his father, and. when Gilbert was old enough, he took active part in the management. Gilbert's love for the gay life led him away from his duties, and it was nothing unusual for him to spend six nights out of the week with questionable company. Early one morning, intoxicated, Gilbert finds his way to his home. His father reprimands him and finally puts him out of the house, telling him "never to return." Ralph, Gilbert's brother, is engaged to a society belle by the name of Gertrude Chapin, and the end of the second reel shows the two families making arrangements for the wedding. Years later, we see Gilbert a ragged, good-for-nothing tramp in the far west. His happy-go-lucky ways and mannerisms are appreciated by the men in the small ...


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