隐秘的男人L'uomo privato(2007)

主演:Tommaso Ragno

导演:Emidio Greco / 编剧:Emidio Greco



隐秘的男人主演:Tommaso Ragno, 穿梭于都灵和比萨之间,做为大学教授,他的工作和生活都是如此体面。他智慧超群,魅力过人,生活却十分“低调”。不凑巧的是,他被牵扯进一起学生自杀身亡事件中,“隐秘男人”的生活被彻底改变了,一系列的神秘事件让人不知所措……
The protagonist is a university law professor, an attractive, intelligent, ironic forty-year-old who has achieved a prominent position socially and professionally. Not surprisingly he is sought after by women. And to a degree he succumbs. But he comes across as a character closed up in himself, locked into his privileged situation, which he uses as a defensive screen between himself and the "vulgarity and absurdity of reality". Towards everyday reality he assumes an attitude of total, superior disdain. Our protagonist lives in an ivory tower he has constructed for himself, and it seems that nothing can break down his defenses. In order to preserve this obstinate individualism, he does not hesitate in repressing his feelings and sacrificing those of others. Thus, without any plausible reason, he breaks off the relationship he has with Silvia, a young woman who is desperately in love with him. But fate intervenes to break down the perfect system of rules he has constructed to protect ...


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