英雄本色The Proud Rebel(1958)


主演:艾伦·拉德 Alan Ladd/奥利维娅·德哈维兰 Olivia de Havilland

导演:迈克尔·柯蒂兹 / 编剧:詹姆斯·爱德华·格兰特 James Edward Grant/Joseph Petracca/Lillie Hayward



英雄本色主演:艾伦·拉德 Alan Ladd/奥利维娅·德哈维兰 Olivia de Havilland, 南方人钱德勒带着因受惊吓而失语的儿子戴维来到北方求医,却因牧羊犬莱斯与人冲突并被判有罪。好心的女农场主蓝妮为他做了担保并收留了他,可是相邻的恶霸农场主却对蓝妮的土地虎视眈眈...
Searching for a doctor who can help him get his son to speak again--the boy hadn't uttered a word since he saw his mother die in the fire that burned down the family home--a Confederate veteran finds himself facing a 30-day jail sentence when he's unfairly accused of starting a brawl in a small town. A local woman pays his fine, providing that he works it off on her ranch. He soon finds himself involved in the woman's struggle to keep her ranch from a local landowner who wants it--and whose sons were responsible for the man being framed for the fight.


日期 资源名称
2024-03-05 viinas.com.the.proud.rebel.1958.(michael.curtiz-western
2019-05-12 Proud Rebel (Western) {Alan Ladd} [1958]
