育儿记Mickey Plays Papa(1934)


导演:伯特·吉列特 / 



在一个狂风大作、阴冷非常的夜晚。郊外看不到一个人,恐怖的钟声响起,蝙蝠四处乱飞,鬼影幢幢。此时在某座小屋内依然亮着灯光,米奇(华特·迪士尼 Walt Disney 配音)正坐在床上给普鲁托讲恐怖故事,与此同时,一个可疑的身影在他的窗口出现。可疑人观察了一阵,将一只篮筐放在米奇的门前,里面竟然是个刚出生不久嗷嗷待哺的小婴儿。本来就战战兢兢的米奇和普鲁托,突然听到孩子的哭声着实吓了一跳。他抖抖索索拿着猎枪向门口走去,这时风吹开了门,篮筐顺势吹了进来。   当发现对方不过是个小娃娃时,米奇的心总算放了下来,可是小宝宝却哇哇大哭,他和普鲁托只得想方设法哄小家伙开心……
Mickey and Pluto are reading scary stories; they go to investigate a noise and find a foundling mouse that's been left on the porch. Mickey searches for ways to amuse the tyke; he tries imitating Charles Chaplin and playing leapfrog with a squeeze toy, then realizes the tot is hungry. While Mickey is preparing the bottle, Pluto gets to know the kid, having run-ins with toys and fishbowl, which doesn't help much. Meanwhile, Mickey's having his own trouble with the bottle (the top of which eventually stretches his nose into an impersonation of 'Jimmy Durante').


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