真假情人主演:肖恩·克里斯汀/塔米·吉兹/卡梅隆·本克劳夫特,故事的主人公杰克是一名联邦调查员,出身在富裕的家庭,性格保守,视工作为第一位。圣诞的假期中,他被紧急召回工作,要求保护一名叫布兰迪的女证人。布兰迪在一家低挡的酒吧当女招待,因为告发其亿万富翁男友税金诈骗而身处危险。不得不将布兰迪带在身边的杰克因为要回家和父母团聚过圣诞,只能谎称布兰迪是自己的女朋友,可这个女朋友远远低于杰克处于上层社会父母对未来媳妇的期望值,一场矛盾在所难免...... 所谓假作真时真亦假,真真假假,原本一线之间,电影《真假情人》正是一部让你倘佯于“真”与“假”之间的影片。塔米·吉兹、肖恩·克利斯廷联手奉献,可带你感悟真假“情人”的无限魅力! Workaholic FBI agent Jake Cunningham fears his case against investment fraudster Scott Shift may not stick without the testimony of cocktail waitress Brandi O'Neill, who naively believed to be more then Scott's latest throwaway flirt. Jake is tricked by his ma to spend Christmas with his 'badly ill' dad, judge Joe Cunningham. Jake never visited his family in years, so he passes off Brandi as his steady date. She insists to stay, and like ma enjoys the posh - working class seasonal culture clash. Things get grim again when dad discovers Jake is undercover and sympathizes rather with the corrupt Shift family's lawyer Stanley.