珍珠纽扣El botón de nácar(2015)

又名:深海光年(台) / The Pearl Button

主演:帕特里克·古兹曼 Patricio Guzmán

导演:帕特里西奥·古斯曼 / 编剧:帕特里克·古兹曼 Patricio Guzmán

上映日期:2015-02-08(柏林电影节) / 2015-10-15(智利)片长:82M


珍珠纽扣主演:帕特里克·古兹曼 Patricio Guzmán, 海洋中蕴含了人类的全部历史。海水中能听到来自地球甚至外太空的声音,潮汐吸收着斗转星移的力量并将其传递给万物生灵。水构成了智利最长的国界线,同时也埋藏着洋底两个神秘珠扣的秘密。智利拥有2670英里海岸线,群岛众多,这是一块充满神秘力量的土地。这里有火山、群峰和冰川,有巴塔哥尼亚原住民、最早的欧洲航海家,当然也有政治犯。有人说,水是有记忆的;这部纪录片则向我们展示了,水也是有声音的。
The ocean contains the history of all humanity. The sea holds all the voices of the earth and those that come from outer space. Water receives impetus from the stars and transmits it to living creatures. Water, the longest border in Chile, also holds the secret of two mysterious buttons which were found on its ocean floor. Chile, with its 2,670 miles of coastline and the largest archipelago in the world, presents a supernatural landscape. In it are volcanoes, mountains and glaciers. In it are the voices of the Patagonian Indigenous people, the first English sailors and also those of its political prisoners. Some say that water has memory. This film shows that it also has a voice.

