致命季节:深红冬天Hiver rouge(2011)

又名:致命季節:深紅冬天 / Deadly Seasons: Crimson Winter / Crimson Winter / Vörös tél

主演:Patrick Chesnais/Camille Panonacle

导演:Xavier Durringer / 



致命季节:深红冬天主演:Patrick Chesnais/Camille Panonacle, 三個女孩在節慶期間被謀殺,但警察督察長盧梭不相信報紙報導兇手是連續殺人犯的推測。瑪麗拉德路卡是一個背負秘密的年輕警探,督察長對她有疑心,但還是讓她加入團隊。經過幾個小時的討論,小組終於達成共識,破解了一樁某人的過往塵封往事,並且受義大利政壇影響,如同覆蓋在大雪下的城市的懸案。
A third girl has just been murdered during the holiday season. Commissioner Rousseau does not believe in the serial killer hypothesis about which newspapers love to fantasize. At the same time, Mariella De Luca, young and mysterious female inspector, joins the team of Rousseau. The two policemen join force to solve an enigma originating in Italy, during the Years of Lead.


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