10年前意外死亡的「翼商事」OL北浦華子(HANAKO)(友坂理惠飾),化身為住在辦公室置物櫃中的幽靈,專為公司裡受到打壓的粉領族伸張正義,打擊惡勢力。 傳說,只要看得見華子的人,就可以得到她的保護,而工作和戀愛都將會一帆風順。而菜鳥OL瑠布子(吹石一惠飾),雖然一進公司就被分派到菁英部門,但是卻總被上司當作小妹使喚,前輩們也極盡所能的捉弄她,直到有一天遇見了華子。 在半信半疑間,瑠布子接受了HANAKO的鼓勵與勸說,但她是不是就此在職場上一帆風順呢!? 而且,看得見華子的,好像還不只瑠布子一人呢!! Ruuko has just been assigned to an elite position within the first-class trading company she works for, but quickly tires of the monotonous work. Then, she suddenly encounters Hanako-san, who becomes the guardian of the female employees and is called \"The Super Helpful Ghost.\" Hanako-san is a ghost who lives inside a locker, and can only be seen by the OLs she haunts. This is a comedic drama about a strange ghost who helps out the women when they're having trouble at work.