终极特警 第四季Ultimate Force(2006)

又名:SAS 反恐特勤团 第四季

主演:Ross Kemp

导演:Rob Heyland / 


终极特警 第四季主演:Ross Kemp, SAS是英国一支特别作战部队,每一个成员都是万里挑一、斥资百万打造出来的。他们威猛强悍又反应机敏,在沉稳老练的汉诺带领下,担负着普通军警力不能及的特殊使命。SAS面临的挑战艰不可测。
Red Troop are sent to a former Soviet state to save the kidnapped daughters of a British diplomat. As the troop track the rebels through the forest, Henno begins to suspect that there could be a mole amongst them.

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