周六下午Saturday Afternoon(2019)

又名:Shonibar Bikel / Holey Bakery

主演:Nusrat Imrose Tisha/帕拉姆巴拉塔·查特吉 Parambrata Chatterjee/Eyad Hourani/Selina Black/Rahat Rahman/Ellie Poussot/Zahid Hasan/Mamunur Rashid/Nader Chowdhury/Iresh Zaker/Intekhab Dinar/Gousul Alam Shaon

导演:穆斯塔法·萨瓦尔·法罗齐 / 



周六下午主演:Nusrat Imrose Tisha/帕拉姆巴拉塔·查特吉 Parambrata Chatterjee/Eyad Hourani/Selina Black/Rahat Rahman/Ellie Poussot/Zahid Hasan/Mamunur Rashid/Nader Chowdhury/Iresh Zaker/Intekhab Dinar/Gousul Alam Shaon, 導演找來柏林影展最佳攝影作品《青春殘酷課》攝影師一鏡到底,根據真人真事改編2016年一宗導致20多人死傷的恐怖襲擊。但孟加拉導演的焦點,並非血腥屠殺,而是恐怖主義的根源。槍手佔據餐廳,挾持的人質包括本地人和外國人。他們企圖用子彈分化人心,扭曲宗教理念,旨在合理化自己的冷血暴行。無辜的伊斯蘭教徒,在「割席」與「不割席」之間抉擇,也不能逃過泯滅人性的衝擊。本片巧妙地使用長鏡頭,營造張力,緊湊得令人喘不過氣。在極端的氛圍之下,探討社會及政治議題,想必能激發觀眾的深思。
An unprecedented terrorist attack takes place in a peaceful café in the center of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, on a nice Saturday afternoon. The terrorists use religion to divide and to kill people, while the surviving hostages, all of them also Muslims, try to defend their own humanistic values. The film unravels the clashes and contradictions of religion, ideology, and civilizations through a terror drama shot in a single take.


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