
又名:Chuang Tze Tests His Wife

主演:黎北海/黎民伟 Minwei Li/严珊珊

导演:黎北海 / 编剧:黎民伟 Minwei Li



庄子试妻主演:黎北海/黎民伟 Minwei Li/严珊珊, 1913年,几乎与《难夫难妻》拍摄的同时,一个叫黎民伟的广东人在香港组建了一家名叫“华美”的电影公司,不久该公司就与亚细亚公司合作拍摄了《庄子试妻》,这也是影史上第一部由香港出品的故事短片。严珊珊扮演的虽不是重要角色,却是中国银幕上的第一位女演员。   该片的故事讲述庄周死了,他妻子耐不得寂寞,在丈夫尸骨未寒之时便有了新欢。为了使新人高兴,庄周妻带着新情人到庄周的坟墓上骚扰。不料庄周并没有死,他是为了考验妻子是否忠贞而诈死。新情人正是庄周假扮。作为嘲笑夫妻之间虚情假意缺少真诚的讽刺喜剧,主题也颇为积极。影片拍成后,据说“观者万人空巷”。后来布拉斯基还把这部片子带回美国放映。中国影片出国,大概也是从这部影片开始的。
Philosopher-eccentric Chuang Tzu comes across a woman fanning the newly built grave of her dead husband because she desires to marry again. On returning home, Chuang Tze decides to put his wife to the test - he fakes his own death; the wife is grief-stricken and goes into mourning. While funeral arrangement are in progress, a handsome young man come to call on Chuang Tze. Later, there is talk of marriage between Chuang Tze's wife and the man. However, the young man falls ill; his servant says that taking the human brain is the only medicine to cure him ...


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