
又名:爱是蓝色的 / 醉生梦死 / Thanatos, Drunk

主演:李鸿其 Hong-Chi Lee/黄尚禾 Shang-Ho Huang/吕雪凤 Xuefeng Lu/郑人硕 Rexen Cheng/张寗 Ning Chang/王静婷 Ching-Ting Wang

导演:张作骥 / 编剧:张作骥 Tso-chi Chang



醉·生梦死主演:李鸿其 Hong-Chi Lee/黄尚禾 Shang-Ho Huang/吕雪凤 Xuefeng Lu/郑人硕 Rexen Cheng/张寗 Ning Chang/王静婷 Ching-Ting Wang, 这一杯酒到下一杯酒之间,就是他们人生的全部。虽醒犹醉,男孩老鼠人生裡无所事事,菜市场裡厮混,好不容易遇上阻街的哑巴少女,生活又有了重心。老鼠崇拜表姊的恋人硕哥,硕哥却是万人迷,酒店挂牌牛郎正当红,连老鼠出了柜的哥哥上禾都心动,是酒让人迷,还是人生越喝越清楚,面对上禾诱引,硕哥生命裡以为永恒不变的定律就要鬆动。当家不成家,模糊爱与性别的分隔,一切都还有可能,逼临生命底线,与死亡贴面跳舞竟激出无比生命,随著母亲的身影呼之欲出,他们是在黑暗中逐光,或是梦裡寻梦一场空?生猛淋漓影像,凶猛议题,青春与情欲饱胀竟无处可洩,张作骥电影集大成之作,从城市和生命的双重边缘回望,成一页废墟美学,也是废人美学。
They live in an old house on the fringe of Taipei City: Rat and his elder gay brother Shanghe. Two brothers look for jobs to survive while search for themselves and long for a foothold in life. The younger works at market where he meets a mute woman who gets up to all sorts of craziness. The elder is attracted to a nightclub dancer and finds himself drawn into shifty business. With the rhythm of their wanderings, the film observes its protagonists: lives in limbo, without fixed coordinates, and evolves into panorama of a society that does not appear to welcome its next generation.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Thanatos, Drunk (2015)
