
又名:The Masseurs and a Woman


主演:高峰三枝子 徳大寺伸 日守新一 爆弾小僧 佐分利信 矶野秋雄 春日英子 近卫敏明 槙芙佐子 三浦光子 坂本武 

导演:清水宏 / 


德市(德大寺伸 饰)是一名周游全国的盲人按摩师,他与好友福市(日守新一 饰)结伴而行,来到了位于山中的温泉旅馆。在鲸屋,德市邂逅来自东京的美丽女子三泽美千穗(高峰三枝子 饰),虽然双目失明,但是德市依然为这个女子所倾倒。住在隔壁女神旅馆的大村(佐分利信 饰)和侄子研一(爆弹小僧 饰)同样来自东京,在这风景如画的地方,美千穗和大村似乎心中情愫萌动,这令德市感到隐隐的妒嫉。   与此同时,鲸屋和女神旅馆先后发生盗窃案件,有人趁客人洗温泉时将其财物盗走,一时间人心惶惶,不少人怀疑这是那个东京女子所为……
Plot Summary:Two blind masseurs Toku and Fuku walk to a mountain retreat to work for the season. The film follows Toku and his interactions with his blind colleagues and various guests from the inns. Toku is attracted to a mysterious single woman, whom he can tell is from Tokyo by her scent. She is intrigued by him, but also makes friends with another visitor from Tokyo who is traveling with his young nephew. The bored nephew, looking for amusement, meets with the woman from Tokyo, as well as with Toku. A rash of thefts at the inns soon after they arrive causes Toku suspect one of these guests.


aratana • 一抹清风浅,一湾清水宏

(EE“清水宏监督作品集”简评) 日本战前电影的黄金时代,造就了一批让后人仰慕的巨匠,其中尤以沟口