
荒诞喜剧,由著名的大胡子Bata担任主演。   一个海龟租下了男猪脚的房子,他的“诡异”行动让男猪脚觉得他是一个企图颠覆国家政权的间谍.....
Plot Summary:Ilija Cvorovic, a reformed former Stalinist who spent several years in a prison as a political prisoner, is called in for a routine conversation. He returns home convinced that the police is interested in his subtenant, a businessman returning from Paris to open a tailor shop. Convinced that his subtenant represents the greatest threat to national security Ilija begins his own surveillance operation against him.


丁一 • 全民皆谍觉悟高,防火防盗防房客;群众眼睛雪亮滴,反敌反特反间记。跟踪刺探窃听器,叫他翻身就碰头;破帽遮颜过闹市,裤绽熊爬二层楼。

全民皆谍觉悟高,防火防盗防房客; 群众眼睛雪亮滴,反敌反特反间记。 跟踪刺探窃听器,叫他翻身就碰头;

无鬼斋 • 他们进行了四十天,可我感觉好像已经有四十年

豆瓣条目的主演应该标错了,这片主演应该是Danilo 'Bata' Stojkovic,而不是Vel