Episode 1: Divided land
Cold, damp, mysterious
Italian historian gives the name of Germanic tribes
Compare to Italy vista, Here is Forest as the primeval environment.
Central image for art
German gothic cathedral
Branch, Million of twigs, like St. Peter, cologne
Ghouls, devils, demons
Middle age superstition
Black Death, Artists not to create beauty, but to comfort
Isenheim Altarpiece
Albert Durres
Solemn, sober (very German), Reproductive print, Full of emotion
Tilman Riemenschneider sculptor, using Limewood

Martin Luther: Protestantism, Reformation
Bind German lands into a single nation. Reduce church rituals from 7 to 2, only keep baptism and Eucharist (圣餐)
Put faith and reason into German characteristics, Unite disparate German peoples under the banner of Faith
They, Italian, catholic
We, sober, Lutheran
German nationalism
30years war, Sweden and Spanish superpower are happy for Germany to be all small parts
Dresden, Augustus the strong, Zwinger Palace, and Green vault
Enlightenment, intellectual thoughts,
Storm and stress (Sturm und Drang)
Schiller, Goethe, Hayden
Frustrated uncertainty
Beneath public self, subconscious, all these desire and fear
Discontent and desire to change

Episode 2: Dream and Machine
Ludwig I: unite and expel the alien forces
Valhalla: hall of heroes, vision the great future German
Philosopher Herder: National glory is a great seducer
Napoleon fight in Russia, German men were sent and died. They want a strong leader
Romantic generation, turn to the land and the nature to look for strength
Technology and science
Look for answers, yearning for a new nation
Childhood is the sacred stage
Powerless, vulnerable, but full of energy, defiance
Napoleon Waterloo, happy that emptying the alien threat, be expelled
the wanderer above sea of mist
Caspar David Friedrich
most famous German painting in the Romantic period
to capture the mysterious spirit of the German lands.
nature worship
poetic, not see in one minute, after 20 minutes, maybe you can see something.
deeply symbolic relationship with the world
it’s up to every man to find his god, in nature.
man’s insignificance in front of the vast cosmos
he shows to the world, how beautiful this part of German can be
The Monk By the Sea: reveal his self-doubt, because his own lift experience (mother and brother died).
the nature is so elemental, almost be an abstraction. even similar to a painting by an American abstract expressionist like Mark Rothko.
whole world distilled into three elements,
the blank land;
the stretch of black, brackish sea, the Baltic
great expanse of bruise-colored sky, empty
intensified the emptiness
to show the enlightened, romantic, Protestant devotee of Nature
the monk is finding his own personal sense of divinity, confirmation in the majesty of the natural world
a depiction of doubt
a war memorial monument
show Prussia’s determination to forge a Greater Germany
No more Christian cross, but the Iron Cross
Not Gothic spiral, but Prussia bayonet(刺刀) towards the sky
weak, divided, easy target for foreign invader
Friedrich Wilhelm start the frenzy of architecture, to show strength, sophistication and ambition.
Column and imperial eagle, are the symbols of Berlin’s ambition to become a new Rome.
Adolph Menzel, painted the transformation of Prussian German.

Monarchy, when Wilhelm I became the first Kaiser of the united Germany.
Lust of consumption
steely military
construction of rail track: darkest painting, like a modern inferno, a modern Germany forged in hell
Richard Wagner, “the Ring”, he wrote: this world is evil, evil, fundamental evil, it belongs to Albereich, no one else.
新天鹅堡,reclusive隐居的King Ludwig II
only with his servants and commune with art and nature
imagine still the medieval age, in his own fantacy. but the truth is he has no power, need to sign treaty with Prussia. The old Germany is really a past now.
Rapic industrialization
technology, science
The distinction between apprentice, journeyman and master is deeply built into the old German tradition of organizing work.
led the chemical science, produced more steel
Rapic industrialization takes the toll of people who create it, the workers
Kollwitz, depict the miserable life of workers. use the events from the past to explore the suffering she saw in the present.
social deprivation
but this is viewed as a sin against modern Germany.
State-approved art, statue of chancellor Otto von Bismarck
to question the modern Germany artists need to stay in the fringe of the city.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, feel lost, personal anxiety, Berlin at night
Otto Dix, horror of modern warfare
mustard gas, invention of Prussian in chemistry; modern technology did terrible things and bear to human bodies
Franz Marc, heightened form and color, idealism, reentering the Eden, horse and deer. he drew when he was fighting in 1st world war, but he was killed on horseback in the war. End of German Romantics
Episode 3: In the shadow of Hitler
Post war, Weimar Republic
broken society
Otto Dix,modern art, collage,”Skat Players”
GeorgeGrosz “Grey Day”
In Munich, Hitler was sent to jail and wrote “Mein Kampf”, blueprint for a new Germany, a devastating work of cultural criticism. He argued Modern art is a moral plague, sent by Russian communists, using Jewish art dealers
Bauhaus, idealism, utopian, Walter Gropius, Bauhaus manifesto,
Cubism bauhaus stairs painting, Nazi closed the school.
August Sander, photographer, question: wer sind die Deutschen?
concentration camp of modern art,
self pick what arts are good, can be in the Deutsch Ausstellung in Munich Kunst Haus. what are not good, have another exhibition to let people laugh at
propaganda, march-like opera, with lighting; radio; architecture
war will be forgotten, but buildings will stand. “word in stone”
Germania, capital of new Europe
architectural model of his hometown Linz, Austria
drag art into black hole, poison the idea
iron curtain, cold war
Baselitz “the big night in the bucket”
After the war, no one wants to remember anything. Artists want to dig up for you and make people remember.
Bernd and Hilla Becher, photographer, winding tower, industrial facilities, eg. blast furnace- this makes icon, and icon makes steel, steel makes bomb
Joseh Beuys, ask “how to recover from the trauma”
the story about get saved by Tatars with felt and fat,
sculptural way to say “all you need is love”
checkpoint alpha, preserved, you can walk around to feel the regime of terror
campaign against forgetting, you must meditate on this, because this must never happen again.
anything can be art, everyone is artist; many graffiti
but another side: responsiblity,Beuys, social sculpture, 7000 oak trees with a pillar of basalt tree, in the city of Kassel. the city becomes a piece of art, citizens take responsbility

德国艺术The Art of Germany(2010)


主演:Andrew Graham-Dixon 

导演:BBC /