登陆月球Destination Moon(1950)



主演:约翰·阿彻尔 沃纳·安德森 汤姆·鲍尔斯 

导演:欧文·皮切尔 / 编剧:Alford Van Ronkel/詹姆斯·奥哈伦 James O'Hanlon/罗伯特·A·海因莱因 Robert A. Heinlein


火箭工程师卡格雷夫斯博士在测试期间炸毁了一枚火箭,并因此失去了政府资助。 他们与他的朋友塞耶将军、吉姆·巴恩斯将军一起,从某位美国企业家那里筹集资金,在沙漠中使用原子发动机制造火箭以求到达月球。 但是,公众明显反对该项目,因为该项目极有可能会发生核泄漏,使得他们决定不进行测试的情况下就直接进行飞船的发射。
Plot Summary:After their latest rocket fails, Dr. Charles Cargraves and retired General Thayer have to start over again. This time, Gen. Thayer approaches Jim Barnes, the head of his own aviation construction firms to help build a rocket that will take them to the moon. Together they gather the captains of industry and all pledge to support the goals of having the United States be the first to put a man on the moon. They build their rocket and successfully leave the Earth's gravitational pull and make the landing as scheduled. Barnes has miscalculated their fuel consumption however and after stripping the ship bare, they are still 100 lbs too heavy meaning that one of them will have to stay behind.


是柏的们 • 一部太空硬科幻
