





美国洛杉矶当地时间9月20日傍晚,第61届美国电视艾美奖在洛杉矶闹市区的诺基亚中心举行。经历“入围奖项增加”与“瘦身计划失败”两大风波之后,艾美奖能否赢回观众的心也是今年的一大课题。好在主持人尼尔-帕特里克-哈里斯最终掌控住了场面,妙语不断的他配合冷门不断的颁奖结果让本次艾美奖大获成功,用国外某媒体的一句话来概括本届艾美奖,那就是“Big laughs, shockers at the Emmys”。   燕迹秦清添加。
Plot Summary:And we're off...as a 40-style radio announcer tells us about the value of television, somehow footage of LeBron is involved, then Aretha singing at Obama's inauguration (with an ironic clip from Wipeout).Welcome your host Neil Patrick Harris, ladies and gentlemen. He comes out singing a "put down the remote" ditty in a white tux. He singles out a few in the audience, including Tina Fey, Shirley MacLaine and Tony Shalhoub.Best line so far, singing to Christina Hendricks from Mad Men "Straight from Mad Men, there's Joan, Oh the curves she has shown/ could make a blind man say 'Damn'/She could turn a gay straight, oh wait, never mind, there's Jon Hamm..."Neil transitions breathlessly to an opening monologue, saying he loves TV, he grew up on it. Then a bit about shortened theme songs now days. He shows "Lost" then mentions the last time there was a show about people stuck on an island there was a whole song about it and it was awesome.He wraps up. "It's my job to ensure things run ...


我就是我 • 又到一年艾美时
