
又名:Big Fortune Hotel


主演:周柏豪  连诗雅 罗兰 卢海鹏 

导演:叶天行 / 编剧:沈强/叶天行


音乐黄立民周柏豪 饰骑车单车来到马来西亚,并在一座古色古香的大宅子里租住了房间。入住当晚,他被一个奇怪梦境所惊醒,随后按着梦中的提示发现了河中的死尸。在此之后,吵闹的摄影师比堤和模特儿比蒂也住了进来,加上之前入住的性格怪异的小说家阿牛,大宅子里弥漫着谜样的喜感。在被促狭的百年老鬼龙婆捉弄后,立民遇到了三十年前被人杀害的粤剧名伶陈小蝶。有感于小蝶的悲惨遭遇,四个年轻人决定帮她找到尸骸以及至今逍遥法外的三个罪犯。 异国他乡,三个不靠谱的年轻人在私家侦探和警官的介入下,展开了他们的鬼怪大作战……©豆瓣
Plot Summary:Music Writer Limin was on a road trip in Malaysia. He came across an old mansion and decided to stay to write his unfinished song. Limin became acquainted to the writer Cow who was living in the mansion. By chance he rescued Tai and Dai, a couple who loved photography. The four had a lot of strange and humorous encounters in the mansion, and had even attracted the attention of the landlord as well as the mysterious Lung Poh and Xiaodie. Xiaodie was murdered 30 years ago. They were touched by her story and decided to help her solve the murder. They asked the help from private investigator Chiyuen but he refused. So they decided to investigate for new clues themselves and surprisingly found .


secretken • 吉祥酒店影评:一起30年前的冤案
