霓虹凡心 第一季Kuntergrau(2015)

主演:Fabian Freistühler Daniel Kosic Marcel Meyer Kathleen Renish Moustafa Tarraf 

导演:Kai Kreuser / 编剧:Kai Kreuser

霓虹凡心 第一季:剧情介绍

web series KUNTERGRAU focuses on the lifes of five young gay guys who experiencing love, sex and friendship.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWmbbXZL7Bk
Plot Summary:In Kuntergrau, coming out is part of the past while sex and love is mundane. A group of five gay friends between 17 and 24 deals with everyday problems and experiences the meaning of love, sex, and friendship.

霓虹凡心 第一季的影评列表

TimmyConnor • 成长是一种进步
