


主演:苏珊·林奇 Andrew Scott Vinnie McCabe Veronica Duffy 伊万·麦克格雷格 

导演:Pat Murphy / 编剧:Vinnie McCabe/Pat Murphy/Gerard Stembridge


In 1904, in Dublin, James Joyce chats up Nora Barnacle, a hotel maid recently come from Galway. She enchants him with her frank...
Plot Summary:In 1904, in Dublin, James Joyce chats up Nora Barnacle, a hotel maid recently come from Galway. She enchants him with her frank, direct and uninhibited manner, and before long, he's convinced her to come with him to Trieste, where he has a job with Berlitz. Over time, Nora pulls him through phobias, tolerates his drinking, takes in his brother Stan, and bests Joyce at 'the writin' game' to bring him back to Italy from Dublin where he's gone to open a cinema. But his sexual jealousy threatens the relationship and sends her back to Galway with the children. Is there any way to tame Jim's green-eyed monster? And, will the lad ever get his stories published?


白小豆 • 大作家的缪斯真不好当

诺拉如果是生在二十一世纪,我想她会成为作家吧。 她给乔伊斯写的第一封信像诗一样美,可乔伊斯这个性格懦

独居蓝猫 • 相见如不见,有情似无情

(2005 1月8日,blogcn.com的博文,可惜后来这后平台垮了,害我到处迁徙,以前写文真是太

iriselite • 门不当户不对的爱情故事

1904年的一天,都柏林街头,一个女子驻足街头好奇地window shopping着,街上一个男子目