
又名:三匹大叔 / 三匹大叔~正义的伙伴、拜见!!~

主演:北大路欣也 泉谷しげる 志賀廣太郎 大野拓朗 

导演:猪原達三 / 白川士 / 编剧:有川浩(原作)


定年退休的清田清一(北大路欣也 饰)心里本来落寞,庆祝会和生日会当晚,又因家传道场的去留问题和女儿女婿闹出不快,愤而出门。他找到童年好友:擅长柔道的立花重雄(泉谷しげる 饰)和好好先生有村则夫(志贺广太郎 饰),三人围坐一桌,把酒言欢,慨叹世风日下道德沦丧,不觉回想起小时候三人组成正义伙伴惩恶扬善的熊孩子往事。阿清突发奇想,决定组成夜间巡逻团维护社区的治安。他和阿猛、阿则一拍即合,三位大叔就这样开始他们的正义战士之路。看似平静的社区,抢劫案、伤人案、色狼事件层出不穷,大叔们能否力挽狂澜,匡扶正义?   本片根据有川浩的原作改编。
Plot Summary:Kiyokazu Kiyota, Shigeo Tachibana and Norio Arimura are childhood friends. Upon reaching the retirement age, Kiyokazu had to retire from his job, only to take up contract work at a Game Center. Shigeo owns an pub and used to run it until recently, having handed over the reins to his son, Kosei. Norio is a manager of a machinery equipment manufacturing plant. Back in high school, the three of them were part of the \"Three Bad Boys\" group. Kiyokazu is an expert in Kendo, Shigeo has a black belt in Judo, and Nori is an ex-military strategist. All in their 60s now, the trio get together to form a vigilance committee and patrol the neighborhood at night.


AniTama • 不要叫我们老头,叫我们大叔!——日剧《三匹大叔》推介

作者:LIAR 《三匹大叔~正义的伙伴、拜见!!~》,改编自有川浩的同名小说《三匹のおっさん》,