
主演:冯婧 刘倬廷 白羽 李鹤 李艺科 

导演:白羽 / 陈迅 / 编剧:白羽 Yu Bai/陈迅 Xun Chen


Plot Summary:Before her cosmetic surgery, Zhong Li was a poor waitress in a high-end club, yearning for a fancy life she couldn't afford. But as soon as she removes the medical gauze, Zhong Li realizes that her face has completely changed-she has just become a doppelganger of Lou Xiaoqian, China's #1 top star. What lies ahead of her is the stardom she had always wanted. But what she did not expect is the horror of discovering that Lou was a spy and she has taken her place. She's now controlled by a secret organization and is forced to execute dangerous missions. How many more times can she escape from death? She has no one to turn to except herself.


每每 • 剧情我给90分,值得一看!

间谍?特工?换脸?美女。光看这故事的题材就很吸引我了。 女主角娄晓倩表面上是一个光鲜亮丽的大明星,其