向南方Vers le sud(2005)

又名:南方失乐园 / Heading South


主演:夏洛特·兰普林 凯伦·杨 露易丝·波特 Ménothy Cesar 

导演:劳伦·冈泰 / 编剧:劳伦·冈泰 Laurent Cantet/罗宾·坎皮略 Robin Campillo/Dany Laferrière


Plot Summary:Haiti, late 1970's. Sea, sex and sun for Ellen, Brenda and Sue, three North American ladies, on the wrong side of forty or fifty-odd, going through an enchanted interlude. Lonely, forsaken, neglected by men in their native countries, they can indulge here in carnal exultation without shame, thanks to handsome local young men they pay a few dollars. Ellen is a Boston French literature professor, Brenda, an unfulfilled wife from Savannah, Georgia and Sue, a sexually frustrated but good-natured Canadian factory worker. In this second garden of Eden they don't care too much about the neighboring poverty nor about Baby Doc's violent dictatorship. The trouble is that that two of the three women have sights on a single man, Legba. And Legba is beginning to be fed up with being a stud...


Lys • 爱是尊重,不爱,是在他人身上宣泄自己的欲望和哀伤

好电影无疑,评分委屈了,看完后本来猜测豆瓣评分应该是7.9左右。 一座海边度假酒店,几个来自发达国家

新感觉 • 下午坐在海边喝咖啡

题目就是这电影给我的感觉。 性爱对中年女人很重要,充分的、满足的。 人都是为了自己内心的欲望活

Adrian Zhu
Adrian Zhu • 男妓及其周边的生态环境

碧海沉沙。 伤感的追逐爱情的夏日,海地的一处渡假地,被几个40-50岁有钱的欧美妇女占领了,一群无

[已注销] • Vers le sud

很久没有看这样令人思考让人回味的电影。电影里不只有爱 有关爱的一切 衰老,孤独,回忆,嫉妒,等待,

娃娃鱼 • 向南方
