星期一闭馆Closed Mondays(1974)


主演:Holly Johnson Todd Oleson 

导演:鲍勃·加德纳 / 威尔·文顿 / 


本片为黏土动画片,2006年法国安锡(Annecy)国际动画电影节上,被评为“动画的世纪•100部作品”第74名。   深夜,一个喝得醉醺醺的老人摇摇摆摆走进一家美术馆,面对满地满墙的艺术作品,他不时发出感叹。在他定神观察或无意间碰触某件作品时,艺术家创作该作品时的场景在他面前呈现,美丽奇谲的艺术世界让他开心、诧异或失落。欣赏完作品,他站稳脚化身一件雕塑,成为这些作品中的一员。
Plot Summary:On a clear and serene night, a slightly inebriated but happy old man decides to wander into a small and empty art exhibition. But strangely, as the man bumps into the indecipherable artefacts heckling with critical comments, much to his surprise, little by little, the gallery's precious objects come to life, dancing before his very eyes. However, is he really seeing pink elephants and blue mice?


[][][] • This should be a tribute to animation as a special form of art

「If only my master could have seen more of the bea

[已注销] • 如醉如梦,误入歧途

恐怖粘土动画。 醉鬼走进闭馆日的展览馆。 眼中的各种现代艺术跃然纸上 半醉半醒的他察觉到自己身处的