异变杀人魔Dahmer vs. Gacy(2011)


主演:Ford Austin Art LaFleur Randal Malone Bonnie Aarons Irwin Keyes Peter Zhmutski Jed Rowen Lee Perkins 

导演:Ford Austin / 编剧:Andrew J. Rausch


政府秘密單位實驗室,利用一名惡名昭彰的連續殺人犯的基因,企圖製造出一群「終極殺手」,沒想到,基因改造後的殺手們竟逃出實驗基地!他們所到之處無不屍橫遍野,血腥屠殺更襲捲整個美國,只有林哥,在「神」的指引之下,他將用一把散彈鎗、一瓶威士忌阻擋殺戮再度發生!這場地獄之旅結果會是如何?   這部電影有很強的血腥情色味道,又是cult片,所以喜歡的朋友不要錯過了
Plot Summary:A secret government has been trying to create the ultimate killer using the DNA of infamous killers Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy, but there's one big problem: they've escaped! Bloody mayhem stretches across the United States as they go on the ultimate killing spree. Trying to stop the maniacal madness is Ringo, a hick warrior, using only a shotgun and a bottle of whiskey. It all leads up to the ultimate showdown!


穴居人 • 网上的影评竟然完全一样,有多少人看过呢?看的就是大烂片

剧情: 军方正在进行一项最高机密的实验,项目称为“X-13”,由Stravinski博士负责,目的是