原子伊万Атомный Иван(2011)

主演:Grigoriy Dobrygin Yuliya Snigir Aleksey Gorbunov 

导演:Vasiliy Barkhatov / 编剧:Maksim Kurochkin


Plot Summary:(Russian with English subtitles) Vanya, a young scientist, has spent all his life in a satellite town next to one of the biggest nuclear stations. Just like his parents, Vanya works at the nuclear station, but only because his girlfriend, Tanya, also works in the facility. When the ambitious Tanya decides to end their relationship, Vanya must find his resolve and steer himself to true love.


luminosa • 在核电站脚下寻找美与爱

回美国的路上看的这部电影, 情节虚虚实实,亦真亦幻,也正应了核科学和戏剧一样出离于现实,尽管无论公式