莉兹泰勒的铁杆一定熟悉eddie fisher这个人,他是mike todd从天上掉下来以后的那一任莉兹老公,liz年轻时的闺蜜Debbie Reynolds(请看演员表)是eddie fisher在liz之前的妻子,而eddie fisher “adores mike todd so much that he name his son for him“,不仅如此他还”接管“了mike todd的遗孀。于是carrie fisher,todd fisher的亲姐姐,娜塔莉波特曼之前的公主(理论上女王阿米达拉之后的莉亚公主,这种关系比carrie fisher的family tree还乱),鼓捣一帮老太太,弄出了这么一部电影。

莉兹泰勒和黛比雷诺兹晚年已然言和,重修旧好。这里就直接摘抄维基是怎样描述这部戏的狗血程度的:In this, Taylor's character, an agent, explains to Reynolds' character, an actress, that she was in an alcoholic blackout when she married the actress's husband, "Freddy".

都他么赖carrie fisher

这帮老娘们These Old Broads(2001)

又名:欢喜俏冤家 / 这群该死的老婆娘


主演:Shirley MacLaine Debbie Reynolds Joan Collins Elizabeth Taylor 

导演:Matthew Diamond / 编剧:Carrie Fisher/Elaine Pope