传奇之书:神秘森林Книга легенд: Таинственный лес(2012)

又名:Book of Legends: Mystery Forest / Kniga Legend: Tayinstevnniy Les



导演:Akhat Ibraev / 编剧:Akhat Ibraev


《传奇之书:神秘森林》(2012)原名《Книга легенд: Таинственный лес》字幕下载 / 又名《Book of Legends: Mystery Forest / Kniga Legend: Tayinstevnniy Les》中文字幕下载

Bakha and Takha are the sons of a well-known businessman who are really into adventures and surprises. Once, the boys come across a story about the Queen of the Turkic Amazons who needs help to fight the Powers of Evil. The brothers decide to offer their help in exchange for a chance to bring their mother back to life and win back their father's attention. Meanwhile, the boys' stepmom hires two bandits to kidnap her unloved stepsons. The bandits drop the boys off in a forest and this is when the big adventure begins.


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