
又名:The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby


主演:Robert H. Harris Meg Mundy Gage Clarke 

导演:詹姆斯·涅尔森 / 编剧:Victor Wolfson/Robert C. Dennis/Stanley Ellin


《爱坡比先生的有序世界》(1956)原名《》字幕下载 / 又名《The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby》中文字幕下载

Mr. Appleby's antique shop is losing money, because he is so fond of the best items that he refuses to sell them to anyone. A representative from a supplier visits the shop, and tells Appleby that he must pay his bill within two weeks, or else the supplier will reclaim his inventory. Appleby's wife has a moderate endowment, but she will not help him, so he kills her and makes it look like an accident. He gets away with it, and marries a wealthy woman whom he had met in the shop. But he soon learns that she knows all about him, and has made careful arrangements to protect herself.


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