
又名:歌手2020 / 我是歌手 第八季 / 歌手 第四季

主演:毛不易 周深 徐佳莹 萧敬腾 袁娅维 华晨宇 米希亚 刘柏辛 李佩玲 黄霄雲 曾一鸣 樊凯杰 白举纲 秦凡琪 吉克隽逸 胡夏 太一 耿斯汉 鞠红川 仝卓 高天鹤 蔡程昱 艾热 孔阳 黄子君 韦伟 靳梦佳 王乔 黄婷婷 吉杰 梁田 晏维 周峻纬 郭涛 李莎旻子 陈叶生 李维嘉 何炅 许魏洲 马思唯 彭磊 赵梦 庞宽 Ryo 林俊杰 韦礼安 李宇春 

导演:李俊浩 / 胥朝阳 / 编剧:冯明哲/刘婕


《歌手·当打之年》(2020)字幕下载 / 又名《歌手2020 / 我是歌手 第八季 / 歌手 第四季》中文字幕下载

The first round the of the game will include 7 Starting Singers and 3 Surprise Attacking Singers. The latter can choose to battle one of the Starting Singers. If there's only one Surprise Attacking Singer who wins, then she will directly replace the Starting Singer who ranks the last. But if there is more than one, then the Surprise Attacking Singers who win will have to battle each other for another round.


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