没有女人的男人Men Without Women(1930)



主演:肯尼斯·麦克纳 弗兰克·艾伯森 J·法瑞尔·麦克唐纳 沃伦·海默 保罗·佩奇 沃尔特·麦克格莱尔 斯图尔特·艾尔文 乔治·拉盖瑞 查尔斯·K·杰拉德 小本·亨德里克斯 哈利·坦布鲁克 华纳·里士满 弗兰克·贝克 Wong Chung Ivan Lebedeff 阿尔贝托·莫林 Frank Richardson Pat Somerset Roy Stewart 约翰·韦恩 

导演:约翰·福特 / 编剧:约翰·福特 John Ford/詹姆斯·凯文·麦吉尼斯 James Kevin McGuinness/达德利·尼柯尔斯 Dudley Nichols


《没有女人的男人》(1930)原名《Men Without Women》字幕下载 / 又名《潜艇遇险记(港)》中文字幕下载

Aboard the U.S. submarine S13 in the China seas, Chief Torpedoman Burke goes about his duties. In actuality, he is Quartermaine, the infamous former commander of the British ship Royal Scot, which was sunk by Germans with a Field Marshal aboard. Quartermaine had told his sweetheart that the Field Marshal would be aboard, not knowing that she was an informant for the enemy. When the S13 sinks, Burke takes charge when the commander, Ensign Price, is unable to command. Burke must keep his mates alive long enough on the bottom of the sea for rescuers to arrive.


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