Kalin (35) is a talented advertising specialist, weary of life. Bilyana (35) is a free spirit, still uncertain of what she wants. They grew up in Socialist Bulgaria, where they were part of a mad group of friends, for whom every day was a different adventure. Childlike, they had a pact to get married. The two of them meet 25 years later. 【2018年打分要低一点,之前太高了】6分。男主还蛮有魅力。童年记忆和25年之后的今日交叉进行的故事,男主徘徊在现有的家庭和童年的初恋之间。一场捉迷藏一样的爱之游戏。徘徊在婚姻的安全感和对无聊日常生活的恐惧之间。反反复复无常着。略长,让选择困难看会纠结吧。01/23/2018