In the future, a team of astronauts are sent on a ten year journey to a distant planet to find new life. On their way, they encounter a large, abandoned spaceship that is drifting in the orbit of a mysterious planet. They board the ship with anticipation of the great discoveries to uncover inside. However, they do not know what terrible secret this spacecraft keeps -- a nightma...$只一概念短片 一宇航员发现一艘无名飞船 登上去发现设备良好但全船人都挂了 就看那套蓝色的机甲 毛熊做得帅气的吓人啊$那艘飞船上的人大概就是被那位搜寻者进入大飞船遇到的机器人杀死的,冷藏柜里复活的那个女子或许是以前飞船上的人抓获的,那个机器人只杀人,不关押人。$概念sf短