Targeting young audiences, Abracadabra is the story of four children from different continents who team up to find and rescue the sun from the clutches of an evil sorcerer. The film is an allegorical tale cautioning against the dangers of exhausting an indispensable natural resource, here represented by the sun. Frédéric Back has long believed that animation for children should...$美好而纯真$找呀找呀找太阳,找到三个小伙伴,赶走大巫师,太阳找到了。多横移镜头,动接动,大太阳接小脸蛋。$《咒语》,这么早的动画都开始政治正确了,各个国家各个肤色的孩子都有。$大师的处女作,表现力丰富又不失童趣$寻找光明