A young girl drug addict, gives birth in the middle of one her breakdowns. Unable to give proper care to her baby, she sells him to a disturbing woman who works in the child trade business. The girl will soon regret her decision and she will have to overcome her weaknesses and face her deepest fears. Written by Jon Bajo Ulloa 看完全片也没一句对话,景色很美$#塔林主竞赛16第十六部# 一开始以为是废柴片,然后跳到爱丽丝梦游仙境,接着上演女版链锯杀人狂$如何讓電影回歸於影像?透過導演的調度,及演員精湛的肢體演出,構成了Baby這部「無對白」的電影;但它不是一部默片。比起語言,電影另闢蹊徑,將視野拉回到人類最原始的一面。Juan Manuel Bajo Ulloa的這部新片,沒能像1993年的La madre muerta獲得如此多的掌聲與評價,或許最根本的風險即是來自這是一部觀眾不熟悉的劇情敘事;在沒有時間、對白,甚至莫名地點,也就是說毫無記憶可...