In 2007 the legendary American duo White Stripes toured Canada. Besides playing the usual venues they challenged themselves and played in buses, cafés and for Indian tribal elders. Music video director Emmett Malloy followed the band and managed to capture both the special tour, extraordinary concert versions of the band's minimalist, raw, blues-inspired rock songs and the spec...$你们为嘛要解散。。。$二红,对儿椒$cool~$你一眼就能看出来 这两个人的性格中有难以调和的矛盾。Jack这辈子估计是无法摆脱Meg了,我们只能听着他越写越绝望的音乐 然后和他一起悲伤。【8.5/10】$The White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights (2009)