Paul Naschy plays a supporting role as a deranged gravedigger in this zombie movie, set in a small highland village in 19th-century Scotland, where a stranger's arrival to claim an inheritance is met with apocalyptic visions and other evil omens. The town unearths a crypt full of horrors, including a devil-worshipping coven and throngs of the living dead. 无聊$满月居然出了部西班牙b片 可惜配置比较差英语吹替无字凑合看 里面那个女伯爵真是漂亮$打着早期丧尸片的旗号(living dead),然而其实是部不折不扣的悬疑片,保罗・纳什客串了片中掘墓人的疯癫角色、$一部哥特电影。讲述了一个可以将死人变成僵尸的医生最后被僵尸杀死的故事。$已收