Mr Benn is the ordinary, bowler-hatted office worker who lives in the ordinary suburban street of Festive Road. However, when he tries on a costume in a mysterious costume shop, he steps out of the changing room into a different time and place, appropriate to his apparel. His adventures include him being an astronaut, a pirate and a Native American. 本先生是一个平淡无奇的城市白领,有一天他发现了一个神秘的...$Genius$B$最治愈的动画片+助眠神器。普通英国街道上的普通人,每集去探索不一样的角色。睡前故事,一开始能一次看两集,后来看完一集就睡着了,到了后期每集放到一半我已经无意识了……倒数第二集大概四次才看完。而且看Mr Benn睡着后睡眠质量和深睡时长都提升了不少……ˊ_>ˋ(真诚安利给学英语的小朋友和压力大的成年人