Biophilia Live is a 2014 British concert film by Björk, directed and edited by Peter Strickland and Nick Fenton. The film features Björk performing tracks from her Biophilia Tour, which started in June 2011 and ended in September 2013. It was filmed at Alexandra Palace in London on 3 September 2013, and screened in hundreds of theaters across the world in 2014. The film has bee...$一众安静作和声的妹子最终在《Nattura》和《Declare Independence》中群魔乱舞般奔向高潮了~我也就放心了~$比约克目前唯一的蓝光格式现场啊$碧玉的演唱在句与句之间、词与词之间会有很多停顿,她利用这些停顿大大加强了抑扬顿挫的唱腔本已具备的戏剧性。(可惜伦敦的歌迷不如巴黎的歌迷疯狂)$音乐的创意用完之后只剩下形式上的前卫,未能超越当年伦敦歌剧院的现场$london film festival 果然各个精彩