波拉特美国行之监禁与揭发 第一季Borat's American Lockdown & Debunking Borat(2021)


主演:萨莎·拜伦·科恩 Bob Turton 玛丽亚·巴卡洛娃 Andrew Marantz 

导演:杰森·威奈勒 / 


Live the real-life drama of Sacha Baron Cohen, as Borat Sagdivev, where he spends five days at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic with two conspiracy theorists. Then, in Debunking Borat, see the two conspiracy theorists have their theories debunked by some of the world’s leading experts.
相当于花絮,第一集花絮,后面几集都是几分钟的评论$哪里有资源啊$高级黑,真的很有勇气;不得不为 jim 和 jerry两位老哥点赞,红脖塑造很成功,最后一句i just can not stand her太神了$看完,虽然人的悲欢并不相通,但是愚蠢却是一致的…$哈哈哈哈哈,比电影好笑


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