When the Doctor’s around, tomorrow is yesterday, yesterday is tomorrow and 18th century France is in your fireplace. Confused yet? Watch the ‘Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who.’ You’ve already seen it in the future.
In a word, the Timey Wimey stuff is the masterpiece of Steven Moffat! Blink, RIver Song,The Big Bang的混乱时间线是印象最深刻的三个。$没人感觉这个剧做的很糙吗。。从道具到故事线啥的。。。$river这条线唉。。。$看得我热泪盈眶的$其实理清楚了好像少了点儿神秘感撒...不过莫法特的那季时间线真的是给跪了!!