Barnaby and Troy are called in to investigate at the museum in Aspen Tallow when the painting of a local historical figure, Jonathan Lowrie, is slashed. When the museum's curator is subsequently assaulted and Lowrie's direct descendant is murdered, the detectives must unravel another mysterious knot. Barnaby does focus on one important clue, however: a packet of smoked mackerel...$剧情拖沓,案件一般。不过最后一幕是典型二阶堂黎人式结尾,本集开始也奠定了Midsomer的一个特点,就是每次涉及到装神弄鬼的案件时总是会先给出合理解释,最后再故弄玄虚一番。$虽然装神弄鬼,但其实层层案情铺陈得挺细致,回头再往回剥落时,爬梳得挺有趣,也是属于案子套案子,结尾来回“使诈”太机智。$谋杀与闹鬼在一起,所以有点阴暗。节奏慢,一般。$神神叨叨的看了好几次勉强看完探长+准女婿Nico搭档$结尾部分精彩