查理·卓别林,追求自由的天才Charlie Chaplin, The Genius of Liberty(2020)



又名:Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté

主演:马修·阿马立克 查理·卓别林 

导演:François Aymé / Yves Jeuland / 


  For more than a century, the world has known and loved Charlie Chaplin. A burlesque genius, Chaplin has put his talent at the service of an ideal of justice and freedom. His best scenario was that of his own destiny, a destiny that is part of the political and artistic history of the 20th century. Carried by the voice of Mathieu Amalric, this documentary is the first all-in arc...$之前对卓别林完全不了解的时候看了大独裁者,看完之后不仅被作品本身震撼,也被他本人在如此艰难的时代背景下的坚持和胆识所打动。岁月真的可以给人带来思想的沉淀,从早期让他成名的搞笑默剧短篇,到后来把他封神的深刻默剧长篇,再到最后像是对他人生总结一般的彩色有声电影,他用他的一生为我们讲述了一个艺术家在他热爱的领域追求完美和自由的故事。


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